Four Soft-spoken Friends

Four Soft-spoken Friends

 Blurred Red Cloud over Sea                                                                                      

Blurred Red Cloud over Sea              










 Rain Clouds over Sea                                                                                                  

Rain Clouds over Sea





 spirit corner of the room                                                                                               

spirit corner of the room





 Le Mer

Le Mer

 Delicate Yellow Sky, Sea                                                                                         15 x 20 inches

Delicate Yellow Sky, Sea 15 x 20 inches

 Four Soft-spoken Friends
 Blurred Red Cloud over Sea                                                                                      
 Rain Clouds over Sea                                                                                                  
 spirit corner of the room                                                                                               
 Le Mer
 Delicate Yellow Sky, Sea                                                                                         15 x 20 inches

Four Soft-spoken Friends

Blurred Red Cloud over Sea              







Rain Clouds over Sea




spirit corner of the room




Le Mer

Delicate Yellow Sky, Sea 15 x 20 inches

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